My name is Dave McKay, I live in Penrith, NSW Australia. I work at Anglicare NSW in Parramatta, as the "I.T. Helpdesk Technician". My family is spread to the four winds. My parents (David and Joan) live in Bathurst, NSW, I have a sister (Cathy, and her husband Phil) in Penrith (South), a brother (Daniel, and his wife Louise) in Canberra and another brother (Justin, and his wife Deborah) in the Holy Land (or so they would have use believe it, the United States of America). I have 2 pet Cockateils (Grek and Cowper), which I am looking after for my parents.
At the moment, I have no passions. I used to enjoy music, role-playing, computer gaming and motor-cycle riding. I let the motor-cycling be taken away from me by the Police because of a speeding incident. I stopped enjoying role-playing when I fell in love. I still listen to music, as a method of escape, and I don't have the attention span for computer gaming anymore.
Major news this year, was I met, and fell in love with a girl in June (it was more or less a love at first sight thing, which I am unable to shake). We dated in August/September for 3 weeks, but it didn't work out.
More later, I have work to do.